In last weeks tutorial we saw how to create simple tags for inclusion in django templates. This week we shall look at how to create block style tags to further to further simplify some common tasks.
Say for example your site design called for a series of articles to be displayed one after another, each one in a box that shared a common style. Such as the (particularly simple) example below:
<div class="content_box">
<h1 class="box_heading">Content Title</h1>
From what we covered last week it would be possible to create two simple tags, one to represent the opening tags and top of the box, the other to represent the closing tags and the bottom of the box. A cleaner way however would be to create a block style tag, allowing something like the following to be used:
{% content_box "Content Title" %}
{% endcontent_box %}
In order to do this add the following to the file which should be created in the templatetags folder from last week.
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def do_content_box(parser, token):
tag_name, content_heading = token.split_contents()
except ValueError:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires\
exactly one argument" % token.contents.split()[0]
content_heading = template.Variable(content_heading)
nodelist = parser.parse(('endcontent_box',))
return FormatContentBoxNode(content_heading, nodelist)
class FormatContentBoxNode(template.Node):
def __init__(self, content_heading, nodelist):
self.content_heading = content_heading
self.nodelist = nodelist
def render(self, context):
content = self.nodelist.render(context)
return """<div class="content_box">
<h1 class="box_heading">%(title)s</h1>
</div>""" % {'title':self.content_heading,
This code consists of two parts, the function do_content_box is the main tag code. The parser variable is there to provide access to the main body of the template and the token variable is there to provide access to any variables that may have been passed in to the tag. Variables are extracted from token using split_contents() function. This is a special type of split which ensures that quotes are properly preserved rather than just splitting on any white space going. It should also be noted that the first value returned by split_contents() will always be the name of the tag. The next task is to turn the split parameters into Variable objects. This means that django will save anything encased in quotes as a string, whilst attempting to resolve anything else as a context variable.
The main content is extracted from parser by using the parse(List of tags to stop parsing at) function. This returns a list of nodes that we pass into the second part - the FormatContentBoxNode (more on that shortly however). Once the data you require has been parsed then the parser needs to be told to delete the token it just hit with a call to delete_first_token() otherwise it will attempt to parse it a second time which generally isn't a good idea. Finally we pass our extracted data to a FormatContentBoxNode and return it.
The FormatContentBoxNode is a class that inherits from template.Node and is responsible for saying how the tag should be rendered. The __init__ function is fairly basic just storing whatever it's given for later use. The render function is the important one though as this does all of the hard work. In the example given I've included the snippet of html to be rendered as a string but it could quite easily use a Template that's been rendered to a string (in the same way you might render something in a view).
What is important to note about this function is to make sure that you call render(context) on any node lists that you pass into it. This ensures that django processes all the content within your tags too (so that any variables etc. are expanded correctly and not just output as code). The rest of the function is just simple formatting to prepare the content for output.
Now you can see it in action if you create a new view using the following code and point a url at it:
from django.template import Template,Context
from django.http import HttpResponse
def tag_test(request):
test_list=['Item 1','Item 2','Third time lucky']
t = Template("""{% load content_tags %}
<head><title>Tag Test 2</title></head>
{% content_box "Some uniformly formatted content" %}
This text should appear within the div.<br />
Variables can also be used in these tags too such as {{ test_list }}.
{% endcontent_box %}
return HttpResponse(t.render(Context({'test_list':test_list})))
Now that we've created a basic version of the block style template tag it's time to expand on it to include a second optional tag that delimits the text within. To expand on the first example we will look at how you can add a 'Read More' point in the text entered so that everything below that point will be concealed until the reader clicks to say they wish to read more about it. The code below demonstrates how to do this (all changes from the original example have been highlighted).
def do_content_box(parser, token):
tag_name, content_heading = token.split_contents()
except ValueError:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires exactly one argument" % token.contents.split()[0]
content_heading = template.Variable(content_heading)
sample_nodelist = parser.parse(('readmore','endcontent_box',))
readmore_nodelist = None
ptoken = parser.next_token()
if ptoken.contents == 'readmore':
readmore_nodelist = parser.parse(('endcontent_box',))
return FormatContentBoxNode(content_heading, sample_nodelist, readmore_nodelist)
class FormatContentBoxNode(template.Node):
def __init__(self, content_heading, sample_nodelist, readmore_nodelist):
self.content_heading = content_heading
self.sample_nodelist = sample_nodelist
self.readmore_nodelist = readmore_nodelist
def render(self, context):
sample_content = self.sample_nodelist.render(context)
if self.readmore_nodelist is not None:
further_content = self.readmore_nodelist.render(context)
return """<div class="content_box">
<script type="text/javascript">
function show_readmore() {
return false;
<h1 class="box_heading">%(title)s</h1>
%(sample_content)s<br />
<a id="morelink" href="#" onclick="return show_readmore();">Read More...</a>
<div id="moretext" style="display:none">%(further_content)s</div>
</div>""" % {'title':self.content_heading,
return """<div class="content_box">
<h1 class="box_heading">%(title)s</h1>
</div>""" % {'title':self.content_heading,
The first change is to the parsing. parse has been given an extra option of 'readmore' the first time through telling it that it should stop if it hits either a 'readmore' or an 'endcontent_box' tag. The second change is that we use next_token() in order to process the token instead of deleting it. This allows us to check what the name of the tag we hit was and if it was the 'readmore' one we can parse the rest of the data until 'endcontent_box' is hit as was done in the first example.
The extra data is then passed through to the FormatContentBoxNode which checks if it was given any readmore text and if so it includes it in a hidden div and includes a read more link to allow it to be made visible (apologies for the quality of the javascript but I wanted something quick and simple to get the point across). In the case where no read more text is included we just display things as before.
Finally this can be tried by putting the code below in a view and pointing a url at it.
from django.template import Template,Context
from django.http import HttpResponse
def tag_test(request):
test_list=['Item 1','Item 2','Third time lucky']
t = Template("""{% load content_tags %}
<head><title>Tag Test 2</title></head>
{% content_box "Some uniformly formatted content" %}
This text should appear within the div.<br />
Variables can also be used in these tags too such as {{ test_list }}.
{% readmore %}
Only people who are interested in seeing more will be able to see this
{% endcontent_box %}
return HttpResponse(t.render(Context({'test_list':test_list})))
That concludes the tutorial on block style template tags. If there's anything here that you would like more advice on, or any topics you would like for a future tutorial then feel free to drop me a comment below. Next time we shall be finishing talking about custom template items by looking at how to create custom filters.